October Update

We’re already into October and it looks like I missed my September update. It’s been a busy time.

We’re happy to finish up our programs in the London Middlesex Community Housing seniors buildings. The community mural project was the first activity in the Creative Arts and Wellness series co sponsored by Museum London. It turned out better than expected. We didn’t have a lot of time to spend on planning or finishing details but the overall look and feel of the mural was perfect for the community kitchen and dining room. The residents had fun joining in. Many stopped by to chat as the mural progressed. We definitely want to add more community murals to the photo gallery.

Video tutorials are top of mind as we enter into the colder months. We have 8 online ZOOM workshops scheduled with London Public Library for January and February 2023. Some of participants will receive our Creativity Kits when they register.

Next month, we also launch our Creative Age Upcycle Club and that will be lots of fun. We already have some great ideas for our thrift shop treasures.

We’re anxiously awaiting the final paper for the Direct Message Research Project . I’ll distribute that document as soon as the final edits have been made by the McMaster research students. I’ve already agreed to participate in another research project A Play to Capture Memory. That should start up in November as well.

Last week we worked with organizations and service providers to prepare grant applications for 2023. We won’t find out about the status of the applications until February 2023 but we’re feeling optimistic and hopeful it will be another good year.