
The Creative Age Network is a volunteer-run network with a mission to promote, increase and support the number of professionally led creative arts programs available to older adults in Canadian communities. We share our expertise and peer-led experiences with municipalities, organizations and individuals who have a similar vision.

Our training programs include proven tools, expertise and helpful practices. Our experienced volunteer community developers, speakers and workshop leaders are available to make onsite or online presentations to community organizations, public libraries and professional development associations.

The Creative Age Art Studio is sponsored by the Municipality of Thames Centre, the Dorchester Seniors Centre (OACAO) and managed by volunteer facilitators and coordinators who design, develop and deliver creative aging programs snd other arts-related activities. Funding is provided by New Horizons for Seniors, Ontario Seniors Community grants, Dorchester Lions Club and private donations. Volunteers open and close the studio, purchase and manage supplies, greet potential new members and provide art studio members and visitors with quality program opportunities and free art supplies to improve their quality of life through creative self expression in a social learning environment.

Lead Facilitators

Penny Wearne is the Coordinator of the Creative Age Art Studio located in Middlesex County. The studio draws participants (55+) from London and surrounding counties.

Kathy Smith is the coordinator of the 2024-25 Creative Age Outreach Initiative.

Both Penny and Kathy design, develop and deliver Creative Age Facilitator and Instructor training sessions.