May Update

May Update From the Creative Age Studio

Kathy Smith, Volunteer Coordinator

As we approach June (Seniors Month in Ontario) new programs and activities are currently being added to our catalogue of online offerings.

Digital literacy – our key facilitators and volunteers (all older adults) have spent the past months learning how to collaborate, co-create and connect from home. Most are now familiar with ZOOM and other social media platforms.

The online Creative Age Studio Gift Shop is now online. New items are being added on a weekly basis. Social media ads for the gift shop will also start on June 1st 2021. A percentage of profits will go towards supplies and materials for low-income seniors in non profit and social housing. Thanks to KRISTAN SMITH who researched the ecommerce applications, linked to the website/blog and handles administrative functions.

Focus groups, ZOOM consultations and individual surveys for the Direct Message Research Project continue in London, Guelph and Hamilton through the summer and fall months. The survey questions and support materials have been approved by the research advisors from University of Guelph and McMaster University. Training is being provided to those who are gathering data. The data analysis will start in July. The project is funded by Canada Council for the Arts. Link –

We do not anticipate ONSITE community arts programs to resume until the winter of 2021 or spring of 2022. Until that time, we will continue with our digital pivot strategies as outlined in the April update. Until the community arts projects resume, we are sustained by amazing VOLUNTEER POWER.

Beta Testing continues for the Creative Journaling Workshop Sessions offered live online through Middlesex County Libraries and selected rural seniors’ centres on the 1st Monday of each month from 10:30am to 12 noon starting Monday June 7th. For registration more information




MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTIONS – there will be no charge for blog subscribers/members until the spring of 2022. At that time, a small membership fee will be introduced to cover future advertising and promotional costs. The membership fee will allow access to password protected online resources of interest to creative older adults, caregivers and seniors’ support services.

Kathy Smith