National Seniors Day Oct 1st

October 1st is National Seniors Day. This is a national awareness campaign sponsored every year by the Canadian government. Our local network volunteers are excited about activating programs, events and activities in London Ontario and Region.

Locally, we will make efforts to encourage organizations, volunteers, service providers and care providers to make a greater impact by helping us spread the word to contacts and members to allow adequate time to get involved in their own unique and creative way. Collaborations are always encouraged.

We’ll be keeping a list of ideas and participants. We’re available to make presentations. We’ll also suggest some ideas for local campaigns, posters, activities etc.

Why not?

  • offer a discount
  • host a speaker/workshop event with refreshments
  • showcase seniors creative talent
  • include a write up in local newsletters
  • collaborate with other organizations and sponsors for impact
  • participate in the Government of Canada social campaign #NationalSeniorsDay

For more ideas, collaborations and connections – contact

About Creative Age Network