May Update

With the recent changes in public health policies and protocols, some “in person” activities and events have resumed at the Creative Age Art Studio in the Dorchester Community Centre. The programs and activities offered in the Village of Dorchester also draw participants from London and surrounding regions.

Creative Aging Awareness Week – May 30th to June 3rd 2022

Jen Tindall, Kathy Smith and Christine Wilkinson are participating in Creative Aging Awareness Week May 30th to June 3rd featuring some intergenerational initiatives with Christine Wilkinson and the Therapeutic Recreation Students at Niagara College. Use #creativeaging2022

Upcoming this summer

Launching: The Creative Age Podcast – Monday, May 30th 1pm. Kathy Smith interviews Shauna Rae, Radar Media about digital possibilities for online community development to sustain peer-led learning initiatives.

Over the summer, Kathy will continue to develop and test new course content for the Direct Message Research Project, Centre 3 Hamilton