January Update

Season’s Greeting and Happy New Year. Apparently the lights will be on in the park until the end of the month, so mosey on down. We’ve started off January 2022 in a deep freeze but with lots of momentum and energy. The current projects on the go include the following:

  • Create @ Home Online ZOOM sessions every Monday through London Public Library (full registration)

  • Creative Journaling info sessions and tutorials with Society for Learning in Retirement (full registration))

Some of these projects will come to a screeching halt in March, but by then we’ll know about funding for 2022-23 projects.

Our cross-sector partnership development campaign is advancing. Lately, there has been a lot of interest from Older Adult Centres and Seniors Community Centres so I’ve booked some online workshops with Ingersoll and Mississauga.

Good news for the Tekkies, I’ve been speaking with Emily at the London Public Library at the Labs and she can start booking small groups of 5 so we can start working on projects. Kris is willing to be our coach and mentor and he can help you get your office, digital devices and software programs set up at home.

With Omicron sweeping through, we are still locked down and working from home. In some ways, this has become very convenient although the learning curve has been somewhat stressful and exhausting. Our performers and artist instructors are anxious to work in the community once again. I’m not sure when that will happen but some are hopeful venues will be open again in March or April 2022. I will keep in touch by email.

Although it seems our preferred method of communication is the newsletter updates, don’t forget to stop by the Facebook Page from time to time. I hope to update the Instagram account this spring when we have more community event photos.