Creative aging programs in library branches

As we age, our lives and interests change. Libraries provide an opportunity to stay engaged in our communities by offering creative aging programs that cater to the intellectual needs and creative interests of older adults.

Library programs provide a safe and welcoming space for the seniors to come together, learn new skills, and enjoy the benefits of socializing with like-minded people. In our Southwestern Ontario community, senior volunteers, artists and instructors work with library staff to secure the necessary resources to develop and deliver creative aging programs in the various neighbourhoods in our municipality.

During the good weather, our artist instructors develop community-based programs and events onsite – at the library branches. Informal Lunch n Learn Sessions promote connections and friendships.

June 2023 is Seniors Month in Ontario. We’re pleased to work with our library colleagues to help facilitate a month is special Creative Age programming in the library branches in the city.

Online Programming

During the winter months, our seniors advisory team and artist-instructors work with library staff to develop and deliver online programs using ZOOM. Some programs include supplies and materials that are picked up by library members at the local branches. Surveys and evaluation forms are distributed to continue program and event improvement. In 2023, a series of 7 online workshops/demonstrations were organized for seniors during the winter season. The programs are presented on Mondays at 10am or 2pm.