Creative Age Journaling

Creative Age Journaling Club

Adults 50+

Sign up by email:

No charge/fee for those who register during July 2021

Sign up during July for newsletters or find out more about the Creative Age Journaling Club

FREE membership for 12 months – ends June 30th 2022

  • Monthly prompts
  • Creative Challenges

Online meetings and demonstrations

  • Behind the scenes photos and updates
  • Group projects
  • Create @ Home YouTube Tutorials
  • Links to curated online resources
  • Kathy Smith’s pdf printables to enhance journal pages
  • Private online Creative Age Journaling Club meet-ups for socializing and sharing

Limited to 25 members

Members will agree to group rules/regulations

Group enrolment limited to 25 adults 50+

Perfect for retirement or other significant life changes

Group members agree to follow policies and guidelines