Past Projects

Programming, Events and Activities

Nominated by the Age Friendly London Network, Kathy Smith was recognized by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario with a Senior Achievement Award for efforts to advance creative arts programming for older adults in Ontario. Here is a partial list of past projects and programs:

  • 2007 to 2010 produced Over55 on the Rogers Cable Network
  • 2010 City of London, Building Creative Bridges – a one year project with the goal to connect the Dearness Home Long Term Care Residence and Adult Day Care Program with the local artists and arts organizations.
  • 2012 Chartwell Royalcliffe Seniors Stars Talent Showcase.
  • 2013 Planning Your Creative Retirement Series: co-sponsored by London Public Library
  • 2014 Creative Aging Workshops co-sponsored by London Public Library
  • 2015 Creative Age Festival and Marketplace co-sponsored by Museum London and London Public Library
  • Launched 2016 Creative Age Art Studio for older adults in the Municipality of Thames Centre co-sponsored by Dorchester Seniors Centre and the Dorchester Lions Club.
  • 2016 -17 Dorchester Story Catchers and Digital Literacy Project co-sponsored by Dorchester Seniors Centre
  • 2017 Creative Aging Training Project co-sponsored by Thunder Bay Art Gallery.
  • 2018 Creative Aging Instructor Training Project co-sponsored by the London Arts Council
  • Building Tech Bridges – digital literacy training for older adults sponsored by Museum London and funded by Westminster College Foundation and New Horizons for Seniors Canada
  • 2018 Centre at the Forks Community Development Plan co-sponsored by Museum London and Ontario Ministry for Trades, Colleges and Universities.
  • 2019 Remember When – a Community Reminiscence Project sponsored by Museum London, London Public Library and London Middlesex Community Housing
  • 2019 Presentation to Cambridge Council on Aging
  • 2020 Creative Arts and Wellness Project co-sponsored by London Middlesex Community Housing seniors’ housing residents
  • 2020 Creative Age Rural Outreach Project co-sponsored by Dorchester Senior Centre
  • 2021 to 2023 Direct Message Research Project sponsored by Centre [3] Hamilton, McMaster University and the University of Guelph, funded by Canada Council for the Arts
  • Launched 2021 Create @ Home Online Project co-sponsored by London Public Library
  • 2022 Building Digital Bridges for Seniors Symposium co-sponsored by Museum London
  • 2022-23 Launched Seniors Art Link online arts education platform for older adults sponsored by Centre [3] Hamilton
  • 2022 Presentation to Sauga Connections for Older Adults Seniors, City of Mississauga
  • 2022 Online Creative Journaling Series co-sponsored by Art Your Service, Whitby Ontario
  • 2022 Creative Aging Social Media Awareness Week
  • 2023-24 Creative Age Program sponsored by London Public Library
  • 2024 Creative Aging and Belonging co-sponsored by London Arts Council and London Public Library
  • 2024 Presentation: Building Multi Sector Community Partnerships at the Aging Well Provincial Conference sponsored by OACAO, Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario
  • 2024 -25 50+ Creative Club sponsored by Horton Street 50+ Centre
  • 2024-25 HeARTful Aging Project sponsored by Aeolian Hall.