Our facilitators, instructors and members take great delight in challenging stereotypes about seniors. Many believe that older adults are stuck in their ways and they avoid trying new things. The creative aging programs designed by seniors for seniors challenges stereotypes about aging and promotes the idea that individuals can continue to grow, learn, and contribute to society throughout their lives. It recognizes the potential for personal development and self-expression at any age and emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and engagement.
Creative aging programs typically involve various forms of artistic expression, such as visual arts, music, dance, theatre, creative writing, and storytelling. These activities provide older adults with opportunities to explore their creative abilities, express themselves, and engage in new and meaningful experiences with other seniors who have similar interests, like the 2023 cast members of Silver Spotlight Theatre in London Ontario.

Research has shown that participating in creative aging programs can have numerous positive effects on older adults. It can improve cognitive functions, such as memory and problem-solving skills, enhance emotional well-being by reducing feelings of loneliness and depression, and provide opportunities for social interaction and community building.
Creative aging programs can be found in various settings, including neighbourhood libraries, community centres, senior centres, retirement communities, and healthcare facilities. These programs are often facilitated by professional artists, educators, or therapists who tailor the activities to the unique needs and abilities of older participants attending each session. Live streaming is an increasingly popular way to share creative process, ideas and activities. Some creative aging programs have proven to be very successful for online program delivery.
Overall, creative aging recognizes the value of creative expression and artistic engagement in promoting the health, happiness, and vitality of older adults, fostering their continued growth and contribution to society.